
FAS follows specific sourcing procedures for purchases over certain dollar thresholds as outlined in the University’s Procurement Policy. While some departments may have different local thresholds, the general sourcing dollar limits are outlined in Summary of Purchasing Procedures for Standard Purchases appendix to the policy. Depending on dollar threshold and/or funding source, your purchase may require a Vendor Justification Form and/or a Vendor Debarment form attached to the requisition in Buy2Pay.

The Sourcing module in Buy2Pay allows users with a Sourcing Specialist role to create, issue and award sourcing events, such as Request for Proposals (RFPs), and other sourcing events electronically. If you are interested in using the Sourcing module in Buy2Pay, please reach out to FAS Procurement to discuss the details of this role.

For additional support with sourcing items on a federal sponsored fund, or federal documentation requirements, FAS Procurement will work with you and your FAS Research Administration officer or local grants manager. More information on sponsored funds purchases can be found on FAS Research Administration Services’ Spending Sponsored Funds page.